Data Analytics for Business

A Learning Journey that introduces businessmen/women and entrepreneurs to everything related to data and how to transform it into knowledge and insight through analytic and visualizations.


80 hours

Hybrid learning

6 Modules

A 300$ enrollment fee deposit is required, that will be fully refunded upon completion of the course

Course Description

With this course you will learn Business Analysis from scratch. You will get hands-on experience in preparing for analysis, conducting several analytics techniques, exploring the data that you have, and build a one page dashboard that is automatically updated with your latest data.

Course benefits

More efficiency

Helps you better understand and run your business.

Reduce costs

Lets you cut down 75% of the time you spend preparing excel periodic reports.

Effective problem solving

Find effective digital solutions to specific issues within your company.

Course takeaways

Course plan

80 hours

Hybrid learning

8 Modules

The course will run for two months and consists of 22 sessions with a total of 80 hours. The sessions are organized into: 28 hours Asynchronous self learning sessions, 41 hours Face-to-face meetings, and 11 hours zoom meetings.

Introduction to the course
Introduction to Data

KNIME vs Excel

Introduction to Databases and SQL

Introduction to Data Analytics

Data Analytics Planning

Importing and cleaning Data in KNIME

Exploring your data – EDA

Data Exploration and Visualization in KNIME

Data Analytics

Data Analysis with KNIME

Dashboarding and reporting in KNIME

Drawing conclusions and obtaining Insights

Beyond data analytics Introduction to Data Science

Meeting with IT expert and Review

Beyond data analytics AI with KNIME Workshop



Osama Daher

Osama obtained his bachelor degree in Accounting from the University of Liberty in the United States, and also has a Master of Science degree in Organizational Behavior from the University of London. Since retirement, Osama has been studying digital products and services including databases, python programming language, and Artificial Intelligence as a complimentary skill to his training.

Enrollment form

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